About Pat


 Thanks for visiting my site, and for taking the time to learn a bit more about Pasquale Funaro Photography.  I hope you’re able to sense from these pages, my passion for photography, and my desire to bring out the best in the people I photograph. 

While technical skill is essential, I believe the true art of photography is being able to capture the essence of a person in the short time they’re in front of my camera. 

Let’s face it, very few of us enjoy being photographed, and when we are, the last thing we are, is ourselves. That’s why my focus is on getting to know each of my clients on a personal level before even reaching for my camera.

My goal is to make you so comfortable during your session that you (almost) forget there’s a camera in the room, because you’re too busy having fun.  And, once we’re done, all you will remember is how great your experience was, and you’ll have some amazing photographs to prove it!

One of my greatest pleasures in life is helping people feel great about themselves, which likely stems from my over 20 years as a ballroom dancer. During those years of practice, competition and performing with various partners, I learned that as a male lead, my job was to make my partner look amazing. 

In ballroom dancing, it’s never about the leader, which is why we’re typically dressed in black, because it’s all about our partner, and presenting her in the most favorable light possible.  

It’s no different with photography, and why I incorporate this same concept into my work, where the goal is to make you feel great about yourself.

I hope you enjoy my website, and if you’re even considering a photo session, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, and if we work together, I promise you an experience you’ll remember for a lifetime!